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51 - LONG - Long-Term Programs
LONG 539 - Environmental Monitoring and Management of Groundwater Resources and Problems (3 weeks)
Course Description
The pressure on the world's freshwater resources is always increasing, with population growth, rising per-capita water consumption, pollution, and environmental degradation all contributing to ever-greater problems of availability and distribution. On the other hand, rising groundwater levels are causing nuisance in major cities around the world. Solutions to such problems will be discussed in this course. Competition for scarce water resources leads to transboundary disputes on a range of scales. The key to sustainable development of water resources lies in developing a thorough understanding of their variability and availability, taking an integrated approach to their development and management, and ensuring the participation of stakeholders at all stages of the project. This course covers all aspects of the evaluation, development, and management of Ground and Underground water resources. As part of the project, comprehensive coverage of principles of project management and the skills necessary to professionally manage, monitor and evaluate water projects are dealt with.
Course Objectives
- Understanding the basic science and technology involved in water resources management
- Learning how to produce high quality water suitable for use in different fields
- Being able to identify potential risks in groundwater resources
- Providing knowledge for increasing the performance and cost-effectiveness of water resources management
- Understanding techniques of evaluating the quality of water resources
- Monitoring techniques of the groundwater levels, quality, and ıts movement using modeling techniques.
- Learning the fundamentals of project management and the project management cycle
- Knowing how to manage underground water resources
- Understanding water projects management (monitoring and evaluating
- Examples of rising groundwater problems ın Cities around the word.
- Discussion of solutions introduced, and the effectiveness of solutions implemented.
Who Should Attend?
- Managers
- Engineers
- Professionals in groundwater resources
- Municipality officer
Course Details/Schedule
Week 1
- Water Management globally and in the MENA region
- Droughts and water management
- Hydrology, Rainfall, Runoff
- Infiltration, Water budget
- General geology, Alluvial fans, Sand dunes
- Sabkhah (playa), Harrats (Basalts)
- Sandstone, Limestone, Other sedimentary units
- Hydrogeology, Permeable formations
- Impermeable formations Semi-permeable formations
- Aquifers and types
- Groundwater and its importance
- Subsurface flow hydraulics
- Hydraulic head
- Hydraulic gradient, Hydraulic parameters
- Storativity, Transmissivity, Leakage coefficient
- Delayed yield, Depression cone, Well hydraulics
- Main wells, Observation wells, Collector wells
- Aquifer test, Recovery test
- Groundwater Modeling and use
Week 2
- Defining water cycle
- Larger cities’ and water resources
- Securing water sheds
- Community water projects vs. municipal water projects
- Water management models, centralized and decentralized
- Operational problems faced by managers of water authorities
- Water loss in network
- Controlling water losses with operational approaches
- Public relationship and water authority
- Water project management
- Project planning
- Process and workflow
- Project execution
Week 3
- Rising groundwater in major cities (with examples around the world)
- Nuisance groundwater as a resource
- Sources causing rising groundwater levels for different communities
- Monitoring of groundwater levels and quality
- Studying problems associated with rising groundwater in major cities
- Solutions introduced for different conditions
- Discussion of effectiveness of solutions introduced
- Group work & discussion