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38 - IT-D Information Technology - Databases and Related Technologies

IT-D 255 - Spatial Database Management with PostGIS

Code Start Date Duration Venue
IT-D 255 12 August 2024 5 Days Istanbul Registration Form Link
IT-D 255 16 September 2024 5 Days Istanbul Registration Form Link
IT-D 255 21 October 2024 5 Days Istanbul Registration Form Link
IT-D 255 25 November 2024 5 Days Istanbul Registration Form Link
IT-D 255 30 December 2024 5 Days Istanbul Registration Form Link
Please contact us for fees


Course Description

PostGIS adds GIS spatial types and support to PostgreSQL. It is used by Database and GIS Professionals who need to store and query both the spatial and non-spatial attributes of their data in the same queries. So the data is stored in rows and columns. Because PostGIS is a spatial database, the data also has a geometry column with data in a specific coordinate system defined by spatial reference identifier (SRID). 

Course Objectives

  • Learn what spatial databases are
  • Learn the basics of working with PostGIS, a spatial extension of PostgreSQL
  • Learn how geographical data is stored in a database
  • Learn about the basic geographical functions available in PostGIS
  • Learn how to write SQL queries using geographical functions

Who Should Attend?

  • GIS specialists
  • Anybody involved in professional work in which spatial information is needed and needs to be put in place.

Course Details/Schedule

Day 1

  • PostGIS Introduction
  • Introduction to Spatial Database         
  • Intro to PostgreSQL and PostGIS
  • Components of PostGIS and how PostGIS builds on top of PostgreSQL
  • Installation and setup of PostGIS
  • Data Types and functions in PostGIS(an overview)
  • Spatial Reference Systems
  • Geometries
  • PostGIS_geometry Columns metatable
  • Geometry Types (points, linestrings, polygons)
  • Geometry collection types (multipoints, multilinestrings, multipolygons)
  • Curved geometry types and 3D geometry types

Day 2

  • Organizing Spatial Data
  • Spatial data storage and retrieval approaches
  • Adding a geometry to a field
  • Adding constraint based on geometry type
  • Populating a geometry-columns tables

Day 3

  • Working with Geometries
  • Geometry Functions
  • Spatial Queries
  • Spatial Operators
  • Spatial Joins and Overlays
  • Spatial Indexes
  • Relationships b/w geometries
  • Optimizing Geometries

Day 4

  • PostGIS Raster
  • What is raster data
  • Difference of vector and raster data
  • Raster data storage, retrieval and  analysis
  • Raster Data Processing
  • Combining raster processing with vector processing

Day 5

  • Spatial Analysis and GIS Data Processing
  • Techniques to solve spatial problems
  • Introduction to Tools for data import and export
  • PostGIS for web-based applications