The course delivery is the most important act of all processes. We would like to bring to your attention the following, namely instructors expected to comply with the following

  • To be in training locations on time:
    • First day: At least 30 minutes before course starting time.
    • Following days: At least 15 minutes before course starting time.
  • To bring their own laptops.
  • To dress officially (at least the first day of training). Please note that "dress officially" does NOT mean "suite and tie". Dressing "professionally" is good enough
  • To take into account dress code, namely culture and religious sensitivity of participants.
  • To cover the material of the day(s) assigned FULLY. This is especially important when you're assigned part/portion of a program.
  • Most of the time, we do NOT have enough information about the background and expertise level of participant(s). So instructor is expected to increase/decrease level of training depth by interviewing participant(s) or observation during the first day of the course.
  • Each instructor is free to set their own training/break duration/schedule. However, we encourage instructors to conduct 50 minutes lecture followed by 10 minutes breaks.
  • To make sure attendance is taken daily and submit to training administration at the end of course completion. If a participant is continously late or absent, please inform the training administration to take necessary action.
  • Some of clients may ask for pre/post-assessment exam/report. In this case, instructor(s) expected to prepare, conduct assessment and prepare a report.