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1 - MLC - Management and Leadership

MLC 224 - Advance Management & Leadership skills for C-Suite Executives

Code Start Date Duration Venue
MLC 224 05 August 2024 5 Days Istanbul Registration Form Link
MLC 224 09 September 2024 5 Days Istanbul Registration Form Link
MLC 224 14 October 2024 5 Days Istanbul Registration Form Link
MLC 224 18 November 2024 5 Days Istanbul Registration Form Link
MLC 224 23 December 2024 5 Days Istanbul Registration Form Link
Please contact us for fees


Course Description

 Senior executives and C-Suite leaders rarely face issues that come with a specific title such as “marketing”, “finance” or “HR”. Rather, they deal with complex issues that cut across such functional categories.The content and curriculum of the Advanced Management Program are organized as an integrated learning process that enables you – a senior organizational executive leader – to engage systematically with complex strategic issues.The learning process is designed to support three interlinking leadership themes: the Strategic Leader, the High-Performance Leader and the Self-Aware Leader. Together, these support an aspiration to be “insightfully aware” in every area of your leadership. As part of understanding your authenticity as a leader, we aim to take you on a personal journey to develop "Insightful Awareness" of your strengths, weaknesses, hidden drivers and blockers of the changes you want to make.Our objective is to develop the most effective C-Suite leaders possible and open your mind to new ways of thinking, acting and leading.


Course Objectives

  • Acquiring a deep understanding of the key analytical tools used in strategy formulation
  • Gaining an insight into the best practices in strategy formulation and implementation
  • Being familiar with diverse perspectives for analyzing strategic problems
  • Understanding the application of the strategic analysis tools to the problems and difficult issues 
  • Applying strategic thinking skills and tools to improve the quality of decision making
  • Identifying the phases of the change process and implementing strategies to facilitate transition

Who Should Attend?

  • Directors
  • Executive Level Managers
  • HR Executives
  • Mid-Level Managers
  • Project Managers
  • Senior Managers


Course Details/Schedule

Day 1

  • Macro economy and the geo-political context
  • Technology, disruption and innovation 
  • Definition of a company’s business / broad or narrow mission statement
  • What kind of objectives to set
  • Short-range & long-range objectives 
  • Vision, strategy and business models
  • Engaging and leading change

Day 2

  •  Rule for stating objectives and the importance of performance
  • SMART methodology, as a successful tool for objective setting
  • Corporate strategy definition 
  • Tasks of corporate strategy
  • What business strategy involves

Day 3

  •  How to craft a strategy
  • Characteristic of strategy-making 
  • High-performance and leadership teams
  • High-performance organizational drivers and blockers
  • Societal, public and governmental stakeholders
  • Engaging talent and people 

Day 4

  •  Budgets, policies, best practices, support, systems and rewards
  • Strategic vs. Financial objectives
  • Communication of the vision
  • Mission statement for functional departments
  • Managerial value of a strategic vision & mission (example of a strategic vision) 

Day 5

  •  Culture and Leadership 
  • Charting a leadership journey
  • Emotional intelligence
  • Authenticity, values and motivators
  • Developing and applying constructive and personal styles of persuasion 
  • The importance of coaching as a leadership tool