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48 - PTM - Port Management

PTM 125 - Port Terminal Strategic Development

Code Start Date Duration Venue
PTM 125 05 August 2024 5 Days Istanbul Registration Form Link
PTM 125 09 September 2024 5 Days Istanbul Registration Form Link
PTM 125 14 October 2024 5 Days Istanbul Registration Form Link
PTM 125 18 November 2024 5 Days Istanbul Registration Form Link
PTM 125 23 December 2024 5 Days Istanbul Registration Form Link
Please contact us for fees


Course Description

The right strategy is the basis for any successful port development project. Sound analysis has a strong effect on port performance and port competitiveness. Participants of this course will explore the factors that attract clients to a port, and the ways to handle logistic issues easily. It introduces participants to advance solutions which hasten then time needed to get the job done. 

Course Objectives

  • Enhancing the Port’s competitive position
  • Provide reliable and efficient strategic planning foundation
  • Increasing organizational capabilities
  • Discussing advance equipment at terminals
  • Strengthening the port’s community connections

Who Should Attend?

  • Seafarers / Naval Architects
  • Harbor masters / State Employee in Transportation and Shipping Fields
  • Shipping Sector Administrators and Personnel
  • Transportation Administrators and Personnel
  • Transportation and Shipping Sector Representatives (Government, Businesses, NGOs)
  • Transportation and Shipping Sector Investors

Course Details/Schedule

Day 1

  • Port development objectives, strategies and outcomes
  • The main systems and mechanisms of global maritime transport
  • Ports and global supply chains
  • The factors driving the port business
  • Port demand and capacity analysis
  • Developing inland dry port

Day 2

  • Benchmark with major competitors and international world class ports
  • Market perspective and customer identification
  • The criteria of selecting ports 
  • Attracting clients to the port
  • Development of performance indicators
  • Economic benefit analysis
  • Analysis and development of captive market

Day 3

  • Roles and responsibilities distribution at the port
  • The mandate of the port developer
  • The management team involvement 
  • Balancing private and public interests in a port
  • Balance efficiency and compliance with (safety, security, customs) regulations

Day 4

  • Strategic stakeholder management
  • The main challenges in brown/green field port developments
  • The multidisciplinary approach
  • The different types of contacting 
  • The benefits of clustering 

Day 5

  • Global container trade
  • Dry ports as logistic point for container transit of the terminals
  • Equipment effect on handling time of transit containers at the terminals
  • The role of SWOT analysis